

Hopes of post-pandemic

Talks about plans to slowly remove the mandatory use of masks had been circulating in Thai news and social media. This is a piece of great news for us here in Korat Thailand as we have been waiting for the slowing down of cases so we can continue to place B2R programs in our ministry.

Over more than two years we have done many virtual engagements through hosting Virtual Mission Trips (VMT) and online English classes with our existing contacts. We are happy for those virtual ministries since they created the longing to meet in person when the time and situation allow. This recent development of the pandemic has given us excitement to create more activities so we can build more friends and contacts among the the locals.

So, what are some of our hopes as we transition from a serious ติดต่อกันไม่ได้ (it reads) "Tit To Gaan Mai Dai" to slowly allowing groups to gather and less to almost no limitations at all? 

As the pandemic comes to an end (really hoping) or at least the government is treating it as endemic, we are hoping that we can add more F2F building relationship activities at our center. No doubt that the virtual activities were really helpful to keep the connection alive with our local contacts and keep the opportunities open to our mobilizing partners, but we think that there's no substitute to the physical gathering.

Game Night Launched

We successfully launched our Game Night at the Issara center last May 28, 2022. We had 1 Thai visitor and we are praying that there will be more new contacts to join and be willing to be a part of the FGN.

2. More movement in the Mobilization

As international travel restrictions are being dismantled we are hoping that there will be more movement among our mobilization partners in the Philippines, US and others fields where we have networks. The need for more workers, both for the Long term and the Short term is more felt this time having the sense of rush to redeem more than two years of limited ministries due to the pandemic.

3. More people to hear the Gospel

The ultimate hope for this post-pandemic is to see more people hearing the Gospel. The last years have been a challenge to share God's word with the very limited opportunity and having a not very ideal online platform. The hope of creating more F2F activities, the hope to have more volunteers and more co-workers, all these boils down to the wanting to share the Gospel to the multitudes of people.